Friday, November 25, 2005

States Agree To Salmon Stocking Reductions

LANSING, MI-Lake Michigan fisheries management agencies recently agreed
to implement a 25 percent stocking reduction of chinook salmon in Lake
Michigan beginning in 2006. As part of the agreement, 3.2 million
chinook fingerlings will be stocked next spring by Illinois, Indiana,
Michigan and Wisconsin agencies, representing a reduction of more than 1
million fish from 2005.

In other salmon news, the number of endangered winter-run chinook salmon
returning to spawn in the Sacramento River continues to increase and now
exceeds 15,000 fish, according to the California Department of Fish and
Game (DFG). The DFG says this number is based on surveys it conducted
this past summer with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The DFG says
this preliminary estimate is the highest since 1981, and continues the
trend seen since the mid-1990s.

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